If you are accepted to a university in Germany, there are a few more items on your checklist to cross off before you can start your enrolment to accept the offered study place.
It’s always safe and sound to apply to multiple or at least more than one university from the shortlisted universities of your choice. This invariably increases your chance of receiving the desired study offer letter. Anyways, never be worried to get a rejection letter. Remember, you can always request a re-check and re-evaluation of your application if you are confident that you fulfill all the minimum requirements stated by the university. Sometimes, some applications are rejected due to incomplete applications or applications with missing documents. In case your application is rejected due to any avoidable mistake or technical error at any end of your application, there is no better suggestion than claiming a re-evaluation.
If you have been accepted into a degree program or chosen an open-admission course of study, don’t forget to enroll at your higher education institution before the start of the semester. Enrolling or matriculating makes prospective students into students with a guaranteed study place. Only once you have enrolled can you attend courses at your higher education institution, take exams and gain an academic degree. You then also have access to facilities such as the libraries, the sports grounds, and the cafeteria.
You can enroll at your German higher education institution as soon as you receive your letter of acceptance from the International Office or the Stiftung für Hochschulzulassung.
Which documents are required?
Here rules vary. The International Office of the university will tell you exactly what documentation you need. In general, these are the most important documents:
- Completely filled and signed Enrollment Form
- Admission letter from the University
- Copy of your valid Passport
- Copies of your previous academic degrees
- Proof of payment of semester contribution fee
- Your passport photos
- Proof of health insurance coverage
- M10 Digital Notification from the health insurance provider
- Proof of language proficiency – German or English (depending on the study program)
Once you are enrolled, you will immediately receive a letter of confirmation. It can serve as a temporary replacement for your student ID, which will be sent to you by post shortly after. With this certificate of matriculation, you can already get a few things done, for example applying for a residence permit from the foreigners’ office or registering for seminars. You are also already permitted to use all the facilities and services of your higher education institution and receive discounts for leisure activities such as cinema, theatre, or music events.
What are the ways of enrollment in German Universities?

What are the ways of enrollment in German Universities?
The way of enrollment/matriculation depends on the policy of that particular university. The scenario may vary from University to University in different states across Germany. Some offer admissions only by physical presence at the university, while for some it can be done completely online from any other country outside of Germany. After the post Covid-19 situations, now most of the German universities are offering enrollment both physical and online, but the lectures and all other academic affairs are taking place on campus only. The best advise is to check on the regulations declared in the official homepage of the particular university a student is applying to.
1.Online Enrollment
Some universities in Germany allow you to do enrollment online if you are outside Germany and yet waiting for receiving your study visa. But they will require your presence within a particular timeframe and after that, either they will give you some more time or they will defer your admission to the next intake depending on your policy.
After issuing an admission letter some universities allow you to pay the semester contribution fee (for public universities) or tuition fee (for private universities) online, you can do enrollment through an online platform which can be the online portal of the particular university or through their official email address. In the case of online enrollment, students have to upload and send the required documents including payment proof via courier/post service from any place within a certain defined time.
Upon receiving the documents student affairs office of the university will notify you and send you the enrolment letter online or they have a condition of giving the enrolment letter when you are in Germany. It is very important to send all the required documents including the proof of payment for the semester contribution or tuition fee and Proof of health insurance coverage in a given amount of time otherwise they will not accept your enrolment if your documents are later than the given time.
2.Enrollment in Presence
After issuing an admission letter some universities put a condition that students have to be physically present at the university to submit all the required documents for enrollment. In this case, it is a must for students to reach the university as well as Germany, within the given enrollment period otherwise they will not accept any other way of sending documents by post or online. It is very important to plan your journey in such a way that you will reach Germany a few days before your last date of enrollment and make sure all your documents are with you including printed proof of your health insurance coverage and proof of payment of semester contribution fee or tuition fee.
Nevertheless, different universities have different enrollment requirements and ways of admissions. Following the events of COVID-19, the majority of German universities now provide both physical and online enrolment. So be sure to check the latest regulations displayed on the official homepages of your targeted universities and the responsible admission offices.
Some Frequent Questions Answered

How can I apply for and get a recognized health insurance in Germany?
When it comes to getting the best Health Insurance in Germany, undoubtedly Coracle is the smartest choice. It does not only provide you with different choices for health insurance, but students can choose the insurance provider as per their desire.
What is an M10 notification?
M10 is an electronic notification sent to your institution by your insurance provider indicating whether you as a student insured, or exempted from insurance, or obligatory insurance, or not subject to compulsory insurance.
Please note that no enrolment is possible without this M10 digital insurance notification
Some institutions ask students to start the digital insurance notification process known as M10. At this point, they simply need to contact at support@coracle.de and Coracle will update your insurance provider ahead of your enrolment. Then the health insurance provider sends a computerised report to the university indicating whether or not the student meets the requirements for insurance, exemption from insurance requirements, or exemption from mandatory insurance.
How to get the M10 notification of your health insurance to complete your enrollment?
Coracle will also arrange to send a very important M10 digital notification for enrollment to your university from your insurance provider certifying a student is insured or exempted from insurance, compulsory insurance, or not subject to compulsory insurance.
Is the health insurance company responsible for sending the digital insurance notification known as M10?
You just need to send an email to the Coracle support team and they will take care of the M10 notification for your enrolment.
Applicants must contact Coracle at support@coracle.de for the digital insurance notification needed for enrolment from the health insurance company with which they are or will probably be insured as a member or family member at the beginning of their studies.
The health insurance provider company then automatically sends this report to the respective university. Applicants who want to be exempted from compulsory insurance must also apply for a corresponding digital notification (insurance-free or exempt) from a statutory health insurance company.
What is the monthly Premium of Public Health insurance in Germany?
The monthly premium for Public health Insurance varies between 114,26 € to 122,78 € depending on the health insurance provider you choose. You can see more details about the premium and other detail by visiting the Coracle website.
You can get it online Without Additional Costs. Student Health insurance is a long-term policy that covers you for the duration of your studies and until you return home. You will need health insurance to enroll at the university.

You can simply use the link below to apply for Health Insurance with Coracle.
More about Coracle…
Where is Coracle located? How to contact?
We are located in Hamburg, where Beatles began their music career. Best way to contact us is by writing to us to support@coracle.de or call us on +49 40 60775010. Of course, you are welcome to our office during our office hours Mon-Fri 09:00 to 18:00
Is Coracle an insurance company?
We are not an insurance company. We make your application process easier and faster via our digitalsolutions and excellent supportthat enable students to avail health insurance from well reputed insurance providers in market.
DoesCoracle charge any fee for the Health Insurance?
No, we do not charge any money for processing your health insurance. Upon arrival in Germany, the students pay the contributions for their health insurance to their insurance providers.
Coracle does not charge anything extra other than what you see in the pricing part. No, hidden charges or whatsoever.
Which one is the best among the public health insurance providers?
Among the public health insurance providers, each of the companies are well reputed for in terms of quality of service received by the students staying in Germany to study.
To decide which public health insurance provider will be the best choice for you, please take the following things into your consideration, such as location of your university, location of your residence, location of the nearby offices and brunches of a particular company all over Germany, cashless treatment policy, working hours, customer support and assistance and much more.
Which Coracle package is the best for a bachelor or masters student aged below 30?
Coracle Prime is the best offer from Coracle, specially for the students who arrive in Germany to study bachelor or masters and are under the age of 30. Then you can enjoy all the services related to your blocked account and health insurance at only 59,00, while your travel insurance is 100% free.
- Why AOK has different pricing than other providers listed on Coracle website?
While considering AOK, please be advised that AOK has 11 companies with different coverage and premium that depend on the post code of your university. We always forward you to the right AOK.